Milestones in the Process
- 200 Main Street (Site 2) – under construction
- 238 Main Street (Site 3) – completed 2021
- 290 Main Street (Site 4) – completed 2020
- 314 Main Street (Site 5) – completed 2020
- 165 Main Street (Site 1) – completed 2022
- One Broadway (Site 1) – completed 2020
March 2019
Ames Street Community Meeting, February 2019
On February 28, 2019, MIT, Cambridge’s Traffic and Parking Department, and the State Department of Conservation and Recreation held a community meeting about Ames Street. In the meeting, the team reviewed plans for:
- a two-way protected bike facility on the east side of Ames Street, from Main Street to Memorial Drive,
- an improved crossing at the intersection of Ames Street and Memorial Drive.
These changes are conditions of an MIT Cambridge Planning Board Special Permit, as traffic mitigation for the MIT Kendall Square at MIT project. The new facilities will improve safety for people walking, biking, and driving in the area. In the meeting community members were given the opportunity to review the plans and ask questions before implementation.
May 2017
Building a Better World at MIT
Kendall Square at MIT construction is underway. The Kendall team is working on several projects to keep the street active and today revealed a new installation that will be up through the summer – the MIT Better World walkway between the MBTA station and Hayward Street.
You can also learn more about the topics that are on display at
If you are looking for regular construction updates and additional project information, please visit our courbanize project profile.
October 2016
Community Meetings on October 18 provide overview of construction plans
The Kendall Square at MIT project team will host two community meetings on Tuesday, October 18. The team will provide an overview of upcoming construction activities and will be available to respond to questions about planned construction.
Kendall Square at MIT Community meetings
Tuesday, October 18
Room E25-111 (view map)
45 Carleton Street, Cambridge, MA (enter lobby between buildings E23 and E25)
Attend one of two identical sessions:
- 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
- 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Light refreshments will be provided.
September 2016
Construction underway in Kendall Square, new site provides forecasts
MIT’s Kendall Square construction activities are underway this month. Ultimately, this visionary project will deliver a dynamic blend of uses in the area, including graduate student, market rate, and affordable housing; lab and research space; innovation space; retail and open space; and a new facility for the MIT Museum. Following the approval by the City of Cambridge Planning Board in May, utilities and infrastructure work is now underway to prepare the area south of Main Street, between Carleton Street and Wadsworth Street, where new buildings will be sited. Going forward, we will send regular email updates and forecasts of activities. We’re also planning a community meeting soon to share an overview of the construction project.
To review details about the planned activities and to subscribe to construction updates, visit the project profile on the courbanize website. Subscribe to notifications by clicking the “Login” button at the foot of the “Comment here” box to sign up for an account, and then “follow” the project.
The anticipated initial phases of work include:
- Phase 1 (fall 2016- fall 2017): Upgrade of existing and addition of new utilities along Amherst, Carleton, Hayward, and Wadsworth Streets
- Phase 2 (2017): Excavation for below-grade parking garage, to extend from Dock Street to Carleton Street
- Phase 3 (2017): Full interior renovation of Buildings E38 and E39 (292 and 290 Main St); demolition of Buildings E33 and E34 on Carleton Street
- Phase 4 (2018-2020): Ongoing garage and building construction for new graduate residence (Site 4)
Phase 1 construction activities
This month, the utilities phase of construction mobilized in Kendall Square. Activities in the months ahead will include fencing in construction zones, excavating areas that will eventually become open space and underground parking, and moving underground utilities to accommodate these plans. Some temporary street closures and one-way traffic patterns will be necessary as the project progresses. Notifications will be sent as these activities are scheduled.
Construction hours are scheduled for 7 AM – 6 PM weekdays with some Saturday work from 9 AM – 6 PM as needed.
Specific construction activities planned for the month of September include:
- The Hayward Parking lot is scheduled to close by the end of September (a section of the lot is already closed). Parking will remain available for patients visiting MIT Medical at E23 (details below).
- Fencing will be installed around the work zones on Carleton, Amherst, and Hayward Streets (around the Hayward Lot) to contain the construction area where crews will store materials and equipment.
- The sidewalks along the side of the street adjacent to the Hayward lot perimeter on Carleton, Amherst, and Hayward Streets will be unavailable for pedestrian access during installation of street utilities.
- A span of Amherst Street at the intersection of Amherst and Carleton will temporarily be reduced to a single lane while crews install sanitary piping and manholes in this area. One-way traffic between Hayward and Carleton Streets will be maintained, and police will assist in directing vehicles. This work is scheduled to start September 26 and is projected to take approximately 3 weeks.
- Minor modifications will be made to the loading docks behind E38 (292 Main Street), E39 (290 Main Street), and E48 (238 Main Street) to accommodate construction vehicle circulation. Property managers will be notified in advance of any alterations to existing loading docks.
- Temporary curb cuts and sidewalk modifications will be made at the corner of Carleton Street and Deacon Street (Charlotte’s Way), and behind E39 (290 Main Street) and E40 (1 Amherst Street).
Navigating the area
To improve safety during construction, a one-way traffic pattern will be arranged on some streets, and some pedestrian pathways will be re-routed away from heavy construction areas. We’ll send out notifications of these changes as they are scheduled.
- Fall 2016: Carleton, Amherst, and Hayward Streets will be reduced to single lanes of traffic flowing in a one-way pattern from Hayward toward Carleton. The first piece of this change is scheduled to start on September 26 with one-way traffic on Amherst between Wadsworth and Carleton. One-way traffic on Carleton from Amherst toward Main Street is scheduled to start in October.
- Fall 2016: On-street parking on Amherst Street will be temporarily unavailable during utility work in the area.
- Starting in 2017: Hayward Street will be closed to vehicles with limited pedestrian access for the duration of utility and garage construction.
- At least one sidewalk on Carleton, Amherst, Hayward, and Wadsworth Streets will remain open to pedestrians through 2016. A protected pedestrian walkway will connect Building E23 to the Kendall Square T station.

Parking lot closures
- The Hayward Lot will be converted into a new parking garage and open space. To prepare for this, the lot is scheduled to close in September. The Parking and Transportation Office has worked with permit holders in the Hayward area to reassign individuals to new parking areas.
- The Hayward Annex lot is scheduled to close in October.
MIT Medical patient parking remains available
During construction in the Hayward Lot, patient parking for MIT Medical will remain available. Reserved MIT Medical patient spaces currently in the Hayward lot will soon be relocated to a new lot being constructed next to Building E33.
- MIT Medical will validate parking for patients. (Cars exiting the lot without validation may incur a $40 fine.)
- Cars that are in the lot for more than two hours are subject to towing. If patients have appointments that exceed two hours, MIT Medical will contact the Parking Office on their behalf.
- The location of the patient parking area may change as construction proceeds. We will inform the community before any changes occur.
More information
- Visit the coUrbanize site for regular updates and to subscribe to notifications
- Read about the May 2016 City of Cambridge Planning Board approval of the special permits for MIT’s Kendall Square Initiative and the Institute’s plans for the development of six new buildings as well as a variety of new open spaces and retail venues.
May 2016
The City of Cambridge Planning Board approves special permits for MIT’s Kendall Square Initiative
The City of Cambridge Planning Board unanimously approved special permits for MIT’s Kendall Square Initiative, which includes the development of six new buildings as well as a variety of new open spaces and retail venues. Read news article.
January 2016
MIT presents updated Kendall Square Initiative plan to City of Cambridge
Planning Board presentation documents
NoMa Planned Unit Development Special Permit Application hearing, January 5, 2016
SoMa Planned Unit Development Special Permit Application hearing, January 5, 2016
Cambridge Planning Board delves into the Kendall Square plan’s details and expresses enthusiasm; process will continue.
In response to a broad range of questions and suggestions raised at the Institute’s Sept. 8, 2015, City of Cambridge Planning Board hearing, MIT returned to the board on Jan. 5 to provide an updated presentation for its proposed Kendall Square Initiative.
In its presentation, MIT described changes in the development plan that addressed specific Planning Board concerns related to building designs, façade treatments, and the positioning of retail space, and also answered questions related to the integration of historical structures, the use of cantilevers, the public realm experience, housing, sustainability, pedestrian and bicycle amenities, parking, and vehicular access.
In the months following the September Planning Board meeting when the Institute received a unanimous preliminary development approval, MIT met frequently with city staff regarding every aspect of the proposed development. This dialogue led to MIT’s submission of a final development plan and special permit application to the city in November for two planned unit developments — “NoMa” (north of Main Street) and “SoMa” (south of Main Street). In addition, formal input from several city departments and committees related to the proposal was submitted to the Planning Board for its consideration.
The Kendall Square Initiative aims to create a vibrant mixed-use district featuring six new buildings on what are now MIT-owned parking lots in the East Campus/Kendall Square area, including three buildings for research and development, two for housing, and one for retail and office space. The plan will produce approximately 250 net new housing units for graduate students and approximately 290 new housing units for market use, more than 100,000 square feet of new and repositioned ground-floor retail, and nearly three acres of new and repurposed open spaces — in addition to providing research and development space in support of Kendall Square’s growing innovation district.
The Initiative was developed as a result of approximately seven years of internal and external dialogue. The Cambridge City Council approved new zoning for MIT’s properties in the East Campus/Kendall Square area in 2013, laying the foundation for the advancement of the mixed-use proposal.
The Jan. 5 presentation was led by Marty Schmidt, MIT’s provost; Hashim Sarkis, dean of the School of Architecture and Planning and professor of architecture; Karen Gleason, associate provost and the Alexander and I. Michael Kasser Professor of Chemical Engineering; and Steve Marsh, managing director of real estate in MIT’s Investment Management Company, in addition to the architects who are designing each of the buildings and the landscape architect who is designing the open space.
Provost Marty Schmidt opened the SoMa presentation by describing the comprehensive effort involved in examining MIT’s East Campus area: “This was an incredible process with many stakeholders. We were presented with a unique opportunity to expand our residential community, infuse new vibrancy into Kendall Square with retail and public gathering spaces, create space for innovative research and development activities, introduce a new gateway to MIT, and create a vibrant crossroads that will connect us more closely to the Cambridge community.” Schmidt thanked Sarkis and faculty from the School of Architecture and Planning for their steady leadership and guidance during the process.
Associate Provost Karen Gleason reflected on the introduction of new graduate student housing in the heart of Kendall Square: “Graduate students are the engine of MIT. It’s critical that they are an integral component of the Kendall Square ecosystem.”
In providing an overview to the design approaches for the six buildings, Sarkis described how the process is guided by “a collective vision that encourages individuality.” He cited five main strategies that were developed organically among the architects: to create buildings that have clearly defined bases, middles, and tops; to preserve and enhance the existing historical buildings; to differentiate the building masses further with horizontal and vertical breaks; to create a variety of façade types using different approaches to sustainability; and to design an array of outdoor spaces that will facilitate pedestrian flow and a strong public realm. Sarkis praised the architectural teams, noting their “robust professionalism and creativity.”
Steve Marsh closed MIT’s presentation by thanking city staff and Planning Board members for their dedicated work alongside MIT: “We are creating an exciting place where MIT, the residential community, and businesses can gather, socialize, and collaborate.”
After the presentation, several members of the public offered comments and observations related to a variety of topics, including pedestrian and bicycle connections; the nature of retail; wayfinding; the interface with historical structures; graduate student housing; MBTA service; parking; open space; shadow and lighting impacts; and building design.
Planning Board members expressed appreciation for the hard work on the part of MIT and City of Cambridge staff, and shared thoughts regarding the complexity of city-making, the importance of civic “spaces for all,” the art of placemaking, the need for careful consideration in order to achieve authenticity in Kendall Square, the balancing of architectural diversity and coherence, and the creation of programmatic elements that are uniquely MIT.
Follow-up questions were raised by Planning Board members regarding open-space design and programming; wind and shadow impacts; vehicular access; the exploration of alternative and green facades; the nature of the extension of the Infinite Corridor; graduate student housing; the placement of the MBTA headhouse; bicycle facilities; loading operations; the accommodation of museum visitors; the flood plain district; parking; mechanical equipment; and construction phasing.
In considering MIT’s fulfillment of the planned unit development requirements, Planning Board member Hugh Russell quipped about the contemporary and varying styles of the proposed building designs: “MIT has done everything that we’ve asked them to do and they’ve surprised us. Well, we may just have to step up to the plate and be surprised.”
At the close of the nearly five-hour hearing, Planning Board Chair Ted Cohen observed: “It is a very exciting proposal and there is a tremendous amount that is excellent in it. We are getting close to what we need to approve the planned unit development.”
The Planning Board’s public hearing process will continue over the coming months. The next hearing will focus on details related to the public realm including retail, open space, and ground floor design. Once the next hearing date is established, it will be posted on the Kendall Square Initiative website. As always, questions, comments, and ideas about the development proposal can be sent to

December 2015
MIT submits final development plans for Kendall Square Initiative to Cambridge Planning Board
On November 5, 2015 MIT submitted the following Final Development Plans for the Kendall Square Initiative to the City of Cambridge Planning Board. These documents supplement the proposal MIT filed with the Planning Board on July 27, 2015 in connection with the application for an Article 19 Project Review and Planned Unit Development special permit.
At a preliminary review hearing in September, the Planning Board voted unanimously to approve the issuance of a Preliminary Determination on the Development Proposal. In this next stage of the process, MIT has provided a refinement of the Kendall Square proposal that responds to comments and questions raised by Planning Board members during the preliminary review. The documents include a refreshed graphic package and are a supplement to the materials submitted in July.
The Planning Board will review these documents together with the July 2015 materials as a single, comprehensive application for a PUD Special Permit as well as a Project Review Special Permit.
MIT submitted applications in July for two separate Planned Unit Development permits, referred to as “NoMa” (north of Main Street) and “SoMa” (south of Main Street). In addition, the Institute filed two accompanying Project Review Special Permit applications that will address more detailed elements of the proposal including building design, traffic impact, open space, retail strategy, pedestrian experience, and other features of the mixed-use plan. The submittals were developed following seven years of extensive internal and external dialogue about MIT’s proposal. The Planning Board is reviewing all of the applications together.
The second public hearing before the Cambridge Planning Board is tentatively scheduled for January 5, 2016.
Share questions, comments, and ideas.
Update: The Planning Board of the City of Cambridge will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., at the City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, Second Floor Meeting Room, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Final Development Plan documents
Submitted November 5, 2015
Volume I: Final Development Plan and Responses
- NoMa Project Volume I: Final Development Plan and Responses to Request for Additional Information
- SoMa Project Volume I: Final Development Plan and Responses to Request for Additional Information
Volume II: Technical Studies and Information (NoMa and SoMa)
- SECTION A: MIT Kendall Square – Transportation Impact Study: Planning Board Criteria
- SECTION B: MIT Kendall Square Shadow Studies
- SECTION C: MIT Kendall Square Wind Study
- SECTION D-F includes the following:
- SECTION D: Recommendation from Retail Consultant
- SECTION E: MIT Kendall Square Project LEED Scorecards
- SECTION F: MIT Kendall Square Acoustical Study
Volume III: Graphic Materials – NoMA
Volume III: Graphic Materials – SoMA
- SECTION A: Existing Conditions and Project Overview, Figures A1 – A8
- SECTION B: Site Planning and Open Space
- SECTION C: Ground Floor Activation and Programming, Figures C1 – C17
- SECTION D: Building Concept Design
- SECTION E: Building Plans, Elevation and Sections
- SECTION F: Technical Graphics
- SECTION G: PUD-5 Conceptual Plan, Figures G1 – G3
September 2015
MIT presents Kendall Square Initiative plan to Cambridge Planning Board
Board votes unanimously to allow MIT proposal to advance to next stage.
Two and a half years after the Cambridge City Council approved new zoning for MIT’s properties in the East Campus/Kendall Square area, the Institute has formally advanced its Kendall Square Initiative development proposal to the Cambridge Planning Board.
At a four-hour hearing last night, MIT officials presented an overview of the proposal, which describes the overall development plan and demonstrates how it meets the city’s requirements and goals for Kendall Square. The Planning Board took two unanimous votes to approve the issuance of a Preliminary Determination on the Development Proposal that will allow MIT to proceed to the next stage of the process.
MIT submitted applications in July for two separate Planned Unit Development permits, referred to as “NoMa” (north of Main Street) and “SoMa” (south of Main Street). In addition, the Institute filed two accompanying Project Review Special Permit applications that will address more detailed elements of the proposal including building design, traffic impact, open space, retail strategy, pedestrian experience, and other features of the mixed-use plan.
The submittals were developed following seven years of extensive internal and external dialogue about MIT’s plan. The Planning Board is reviewing all of the applications together.
Last night’s Planning Board meeting was attended by Israel Ruiz, MIT’s executive vice president and treasurer; Hashim Sarkis, dean of the School of Architecture and Planning and professor of architecture; J. Meejin Yoon, professor and head of the Department of Architecture; Karen Gleason, associate provost and the Alexander and I. Michael Kasser Professor of Chemical Engineering; and Steve Marsh, managing director of the MIT Investment Management Company.
In opening the presentation, Ruiz characterized the Institute’s proposal as informed by “MIT’s history of partnership with industry in the advancement of the innovation economy, our East Campus area, and the integration of new commercial development with our existing and future academic uses, and MIT’s housing program — past, present, and future.” Ruiz added that the proposed mixed-use development should “blend seamlessly with neighboring communities.”
The Kendall Square Initiative development proposal aims to create a vibrant mixed-use district featuring six new buildings on what are now MIT-owned parking lots in the East Campus/Kendall Square area, including three buildings for research and development, two for housing, and one for retail and office space. The plan will produce approximately 270 net new housing units for graduate students and approximately 290 new housing units for market use, more than 100,000 square feet of new and repositioned ground-floor retail, and nearly three acres of new and repurposed open spaces — in addition to providing research and development space in support of Kendall Square’s growing innovation district.
“The project is a tremendous opportunity [with] very clear and shared goals,” Sarkis said in presenting the design concepts for the six individual buildings. “They are a harmonious family with a focus on integration with the historical character of Kendall Square, but also creating an exemplary and forward-looking urban environment: vibrant, diverse, and inclusive.”
The proposed three-acre open space framework has been well-received by both the MIT and Cambridge communities. The Institute plans to hire a director of open space programming to oversee the curation of a vibrant and active public area and work closely with an open space and retail advisory committee to be formed later in the development process. Sarkis described the proposed open space as an exciting and welcoming area where people can “meet, bump into each other, and connect.”
Several members of the public offered comments related to the applications. Observations and suggestions were made in a variety of areas, including transit analysis, wind and shadow impacts, open space features, building design, interface with historical structures, traffic impact, the street level experience, and retail strategy.
Planning Board members asked questions and shared thoughts regarding the site plan, open space programming, transit capacity, pedestrian and neighborhood connections, design concepts, building materials, housing, retail diversity, treatment of mechanical systems, skyline perspectives, loading and parking operations, and bicycle facilities.
At the close of the hearing, Planning Board Chairman Ted Cohen offered that the development plan “does a lot of tremendously good things.”
The Planning Board’s public hearing process will take several months to complete. The next hearing date, which will focus on more detailed elements of the proposal, is not yet scheduled. Once the date is established, it will be posted on the Kendall Square Initiative website. As always, questions, comments, and ideas about the development proposal can be sent to
Planning Board presentation, 9/8/15, NoMa
Planning Board presentation, 9/8/15, SoMa
July 2015
Institute files application for Cambridge Planning Board review
Following recent community meetings to provide the campus and broader Cambridge communities with an update on MIT’s Kendall Square Initiative, the Institute has triggered the next phase of the review process by filing its Project Review and Planned Unit Development special permit applications with the Cambridge Planning Board.
The special permit process will examine all aspects of the proposal — including design, infrastructure, transportation, parking, and the public realm experience. The Institute’s proposal to create a vibrant mixed-use development features six new buildings on MIT-owned parking lots in the East Campus/Kendall Square area, including three for research and development, two for housing, and one for retail and office space. The Cambridge City Council approved MIT’s rezoning petition in April 2013, which defined the parameters of the proposed development.
“Today’s filing represents a key step forward in getting to an exciting future for Kendall Square,” Executive Vice President and Treasurer Israel Ruiz says. “It will likely take six to 10 years to complete this vision, but I am really thrilled about how Kendall Square and MIT’s East Campus will be positively transformed in the coming decade.”
The Initiative will produce 500 net new housing units for graduate students and for market use, more than 100,000 square feet of new and repositioned ground-floor retail, and nearly 3 acres of new and repurposed connected open spaces — in addition to providing research and development space. The anticipated investment in the development of these projects will be at least $1.2 billion.
“We’ve come a long way, and I’m pleased with this thoughtful and robust proposal,” Provost Martin Schmidt says. “The critical involvement of the leadership of the School of Architecture and Planning helped us to crystalize our vision for East Campus. I want to express the Institute’s appreciation to Dean Hashim Sarkis and J. Meejin Yoon, head of the Department of Architecture, along with many of their colleagues and Associate Provost Karen Gleason, for guiding us to the current proposal. It has been an impressive team effort with a sound result.”
“As a bold new gateway to MIT, Kendall Square opens a new frontier for us to reimagine the relationship between town and gown,” Sarkis says. “Public spaces open into the campus and allow students, professors, residents, and visitors to mix. I am very excited for that future to be set in motion and believe we have all the right ingredients in place for it to unfold.”
The MIT Investment Management Company (MITIMCo) is leading the public review effort on behalf of the Institute, under the direction of the provost and the executive vice president and treasurer. “The first Cambridge Planning Board hearing to review MIT’s proposal will likely take place in September,” MITIMCo Managing Director Steve Marsh says, noting that the process has been under way for six years. “The full review process will take several months.”
More information about the project can be found by exploring this website.
Questions, comments, and ideas can be sent to
Permit documents
Permits are also posted on the City of Cambridge Zoning and Development website.
NoMa Project Planned Unit Development (PUD)
- PUD Narrative Special Permit Application (Development Proposal)
- Project Review Narrative (Article 19 Project Review Special Permit Application)
SoMa Project Planned Unit Development (PUD)
- PUD Narrative Special Permit Application (Development Proposal)
- Project Review Narrative (Article 19 Project Review Special Permit Application)
- Section A Project Overview
- Section B(1) Open Space and Connections
- Section B(2) Open Space and Connections
- Sections C+D (C. Ground Floor Retail; D. Buildings)
Section D (by building):
- Building 2
- Building 3
- Building 4(1)
- Building 4(2)
- Building 4(3)
- Building 4(4)
- Building 4(5)
- Building 5(1)
- Building 5(2)
- Building 6
Remaining sections:
- Parking and Bike (Parcel B and C)
- Section E(1) Renderings
- Section E(2) Renderings
- Section F(1) Technical Graphics
- Section F(2) Technical Graphics
- Section G PUD 5 Conceptual Plan
Transportation Impact Study
- Transportation Impact Study
- Figures – Part 1
- Figures – Part 2
- Figures – Part 3
- Figures – Part 4
- Technical appendix – Part 1
- Technical appendix – Part 2
- Technical appendix – Part 3
- Technical appendix – Part 4
- Letter of Certification from City of Cambridge
Public hearing
The Planning Board of the City of Cambridge will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., at the City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, Second Floor Meeting Room, Cambridge. View notification.
May 2015
Proposed building designs presented at May 6 community meetings
Kendall Square Initiative ready to take next steps
On May 6 nearly 200 people attended two community meetings on MIT’s Kendall Square Initiative. These meetings were a follow-up to an April update to the MIT community from Provost Martin Schmidt, Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart, and Executive Vice President and Treasurer Israel Ruiz regarding plans in the East Campus/Kendall Square area, and the launch of a study process for the West Campus area.
The two identical meetings—one held at noon at the Stratton Student Center and another held at 6 p.m. at the Kendall Square Marriott—included a presentation of the proposed designs for six buildings to be developed on MIT-owned parking lots in the East Campus/Kendall Square area. Schmidt, Ruiz, Associate Provost Karen Gleason, Managing Director of Real Estate Steve Marsh, and several of the Initiative’s architects took turns presenting the overall development plan, including the building designs, open space framework, retail strategy, and sustainability approach.
MIT officials summarized the overarching priorities for the Kendall Square Initiative, including advancing Kendall Square as a destination with diverse retail and active open spaces, as a residential center with mixed-income market housing and graduate student housing, and as an innovation and academic district that will serve to accelerate the Institute’s mission.
They also described the next step for the development, which is the “Article 19” project review process with the City of Cambridge Planning Board. In introducing the presentation, Ruiz thanked those gathered for their role in shaping the Initiative. “It is truly a better project because of your participation and input,” he said.
The Kendall Square Initiative features:
- six buildings, including three for research and development, two for housing, and one for retail and office space;
- 500 net new housing units that will bring added vitality to Kendall Square;
- more than 100,000 square feet of new and repositioned ground-floor retail;
- nearly three acres of new and repurposed connected open spaces;
- the preservation and integration of three historically significant buildings; and
- the retention of 800,000 square feet of existing capacity for future academic use.
The primarily positive—and sometimes enthusiastic—comments and questions raised by the MIT and Cambridge attendees at the meetings covered a wide range of topics including transportation, housing, parking, open space, food trucks, building design, retail amenities such as a market and a drugstore, bicycle, and pedestrian access, connections to the Charles River, and the timing and proposed phasing of the development.
One of the most frequently raised topics throughout the public engagement process has related to the creation of housing. MIT has always planned to include housing at the One Broadway parcel, but as a result of feedback from both the MIT and Cambridge communities, the housing at that site has increased significantly—to about 290 units of mixed-income market housing, including 50 units designated as affordable housing.

View of Broad Canal Way from Third Street, looking west. Site 1 shown.
(Courtesy Elkus | Manfredi Architects)
Also in response to both MIT and Cambridge input, the Institute decided to add plans for a new residence hall for graduate students in the heart of Kendall Square. This facility will replace the 201 graduate housing units currently located in Eastgate, and will add approximately 270 more, for a total of approximately 470 units.
In describing the new graduate student housing, Schmidt cited the thorough work of the Graduate Student Housing Working Group, led by former Chancellor and Department of Urban Studies and Planning Professor Phillip Clay, the Class of 1922 Professor in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. “The working group carried out a very careful review of issues related to housing our graduate student population, resulting in a recommendation for new accommodations for 500 to 600 graduate students to address current unmet need,” Schmidt said. “We’re pleased to be able to implement half of that number in this development, and will look to other sections of the campus to site the other half.”
Taken together, the new building at One Broadway and the new graduate residence hall will provide over 500 net new housing units in Kendall Square.

View of Site 4: graduate student housing, MIT Press Bookstore, and retail. (Courtesy NADAAA, Perkins+Will)
Building on the careful analyses and recommendations from several MIT studies related to Kendall Square, East Campus, and graduate housing, MIT moved ahead—with faculty leadership from the School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P)—to engage with five teams of architects to design the new buildings. As a result, the designs are quite varied, reflecting the diverse and exciting nature of the Kendall Square innovation district.
Marsh noted the vital role played by the former and current SA+P deans, Adele Naude Santos and Hashim Sarkis, and the former and current heads of the Department of Architecture, Nader Tehrani and J. Meejin Yoon. “Having all four of these faculty leaders involved in the initiative has ensured a seamless knitting together of the varying elements of the project,” Marsh said.
Another topic that has been of great interest to the broader community has been the function and feel of the proposed open space. Extensive input has led to a plan that recaptures approximately 3 acres of existing parking lots south of Main Street to create a connected series of open spaces that will reflect the community’s desire for active programming and recreation.
“We want everyone to feel not only welcome, but warmly invited to participate in the offerings of this area,” Marsh said. The plan also enables increased activation of Main Street and Broad Canal Way through new and enhanced retail.

Open space between Carleton Street and Hayward Street (Courtesy Hargreaves Associates)
The City of Cambridge approved MIT’s zoning for the land it owns in Kendall Square in April 2013 after an extensive five-year engagement process. The approved zoning sets physical parameters for the buildings—including design requirements, heights, setbacks, and density—and establishes minimum thresholds for affordable housing, retail, open space, and innovation space.
The zoning process also resulted in MIT’s commitment to a range of community benefits, including contributions to Cambridge-based nonprofits; a feasibility study regarding the use of MIT’s property adjacent to the existing Grand Junction railroad tracks, parallel to Vassar Street, as a community path; the transfer of an MIT-owned parcel located in Area IV to the City of Cambridge; and the establishment of an open space and retail advisory committee, among several other programs.
Presentation materials and gallery
View the presentation materials from the May 6 community meetings. Renderings of the site designs are included in the presentation, and also available in this news office article.
Information and feedback
Peruse this site to review information about the project. Email any questions, comments, or ideas.
September 2014
Architectural teams selected for several sites within Kendall Square
In a July 2014 letter to the MIT community, Provost Schmidt, together with President Rafael Reif, Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart, and Executive Vice President and Treasurer Israel Ruiz, outlined a proposed parcel assembly and open space approach for the future of the east campus and Kendall Square area. In his letter, the Provost recommended that MIT advance the proposed plan, which is designed to achieve the vibrancy and integration that are essential for this critical gateway area of the campus.
Based on this body of work, MIT issued Requests for Proposals and in September 2014 initiated work with several design teams to create building concepts for the east campus.
Learn about the architectural firm selections and view a map of the sites.
May 2014
Report issued from Graduate Student Housing Working Group
The final report recommended adding new housing to accommodate 500-600 graduate students and creating ‘swing housing’ as capital renewal activities proceed on campus. MIT leadership asked the East Campus Steering Committee to assess the feasibility of addressing some of the housing needs in planning for the Kendall Square area and proposed initiating a West Campus planning effort which would, among other things, consider locations for new graduate housing and swing housing in that area.
Final Report to the Provost of the Graduate Student Housing Working Group (May 2014)
April 2014
Kendall Square design schemes to be shared at May community meeting
Design progress, housing plans, and west campus study efforts shared by Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart, Provost Martin Schmidt, and Executive Vice President and Treasurer Israel Ruiz in April 14, 2015 email to the community.
To the members of the MIT community,
We write to tell you about exciting developments in MIT’s Kendall Square and east campus design process, the planning study for west campus, and key steps we are taking regarding housing for our graduate and undergraduate students.
In pursuing these opportunities, we have benefited tremendously from five years of substantive input and analysis from the Cambridge and MIT communities. This has included an extensive public process, the Task Force on Community Engagement in 2030 Planning report, the Graduate Student Housing Working Group report, the East Campus/Kendall Gateway Urban Design Study with guidance of the East Campus Steering Committee, and key leadership from the School of Architecture and Planning. We will continue this path of engagement, ensuring significant faculty and student involvement in the working groups discussed below. We are also creating opportunities for the community to offer input to the process in the coming months.
Next steps in the design process for Kendall/east campus
In our September 23 communication, we described the process for selecting the Kendall/east campus architectural firms and announced the teams designated to design the individual buildings in the development area. Recognizing the value provided in the past, we have re-launched the East Campus Steering Committee and are continuing to rely on the expertise of School of Architecture and Planning faculty, as well as the vital input of student representatives. The newly-formed faculty Committee on Campus Planning has been briefed on the overall vision for the MIT campus, as well as the plans for Kendall/east campus, and we are committed to collaborating closely with the Committee to ensure that our shared visions for the campus are being realized.
The planning team has been focused on increasing the vitality of the Kendall/east campus area, by incorporating the diverse uses that have been recommended by all sectors of the MIT and Cambridge communities — housing, connected open spaces, retail, innovation space, childcare, and commercial space. The plan also identifies a prominent location for the MIT Museum and assures the incorporation of elements that reflect the essence of MIT in the gateway area.
The site plan below shows the proposed uses for the various parcels. Details regarding precise configurations, square footage, height, and number of housing units are still being examined as the design process proceeds, and will be shared at a community meeting when available. The plan will reflect the approved zoning for the district, and we believe this plan will serve to propel the area towards the objective of creating a vibrant mixed-used center with a captivating gateway to the MIT campus while preserving capacity for future academic uses.

Thanks to the engagement of the Cambridge and MIT communities and the recommendations from the Graduate Student Housing Working Group, we now have an enhanced understanding and a robust plan for housing. Graduate student housing is designated at site O, and we are committed to completing new housing prior to replacing Eastgate Apartments. Site O has the capacity to replace all of the housing in Eastgate (201 units), and provide approximately 270 additional units of graduate housing. Residential housing is planned for Site L on the north side of Main Street, with a mix of affordable, innovation and market rate units. We believe that the presence of new housing together with significantly expanded retail spaces and improved public space will play an integral role in enhancing the liveliness of the area, and opportunities for additional graduate student housing are also being explored in the west campus area.
We look forward to sharing proposed building designs for Kendall/east campus at initial community meetings on May 6th (details below). Once we have had the opportunity to collect broad feedback, we will submit design schemes to the Cambridge Planning Board for its public hearing and review process.
Unlocking the west campus potential
Over the past few months we have initiated a formal planning process for the west and northwest areas of campus. The intent of the current study is to create a long–range development framework to accommodate future academic and residential uses on the MIT campus west of Massachusetts Avenue to complement east campus design efforts and the ongoing renewal of the main campus. We have also formed the West Campus Steering Committee to provide input as the west campus study team works to identify sites to accommodate potential new building initiatives, including undergraduate and graduate housing. Student representation on the Steering Committee is key to the west campus study.
Similar to the east campus plan, there is great interest in enhancing the west campus area in order to bring more vibrancy to MIT’s main entrance. A temporary open space landscape will be created on the site of Bexley Hall, and a series of open spaces and walkways are being envisioned as part of the overall west campus design framework. We are working to understand development capacity and the urban design opportunities this capacity holds for the future of west campus.
A critical part of MIT’s campus renewal program is the renovation of some of our undergraduate residence halls. We are working on strategies to sequence the renewal of the residences, and are considering opportunities to add to our housing capacity to enable renovation of the residence halls. In the context of the west campus planning study, we are evaluating the possibility of developing the Metropolitan Storage Warehouse as an exciting site for a mixed-use development. It could possibly include undergraduate residences, maker space on the first floor, collaborative spaces on the top level, and retail along Massachusetts Avenue and Vassar Street. The Metropolitan Warehouse Advisory Group, being led by the Offices of the Associate Provost for Space Planning and Campus Planning, also includes students and a wide cross-section of the MIT community.
We are also studying additional sites to accommodate new housing for graduate students and opportunities to renovate the graduate residences in west campus. We have accepted the recommendation of the Graduate Student Housing Working Group, which identified the need to provide housing to accommodate an additional 500-600 graduate students beyond what is currently available, and will work toward achieving this target over time with developments in both the east and west campus areas.
Share your thoughts
These two processes in the Kendall/east campus area and now in the west campus area have been shaped in great measure by the steady commitment and energetic involvement of many members of the MIT and Cambridge communities. Over these past few years, we have learned a great deal about what is important to various sectors of our community, and believe that the Kendall/east campus plan now holistically reflects our shared values. This learning process has led us to approach the west campus planning effort in a very similar fashion. As is our practice, there will be many opportunities for information sharing and the solicitation of input as we proceed.
In the meantime, we encourage you to share your thoughts on either of these processes by sending email to Thank you for your past and future involvement as we work to shape our campus to reflect MIT’s spirit of innovation and collaboration.
Cynthia Barnhart, Chancellor
Martin A. Schmidt, Provost
Israel Ruiz, Executive Vice President and Treasurer
Community meetings
Join architects and planners to review progress and proposed designs for a dynamic blend of building uses and open space in the east campus of MIT and Kendall Square. Share your comments.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Noon – 2 p.m.
MIT Student Center, W20 Room 491
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
6 – 8 p.m.
Kendall Marriott at 50 Broadway
July 2014
Requests for Proposals (RFPs) issued to design teams
To the MIT Community:
I am pleased to share the good news that we have reached an important juncture in our planning process for the East Campus and Kendall Square area. Together with President Rafael Reif, Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart, and Executive Vice President and Treasurer Israel Ruiz, I am recommending that MIT advance a proposal that we believe will achieve the vibrancy and integration that is essential for that critical gateway area of the campus.
Convergence of Multiple Processes
Many efforts have brought us to this point. The intensive three-year Kendall Square rezoning process provided us with valuable input from MIT and Cambridge community members about how best to create an innovative and well-balanced mixed-used development on our properties. The Faculty Task Force on Community Engagement in 2030 Planning, led by Sloan School Professor Tom Kochan, analyzed the Kendall Square development proposal and recommended that MIT undertake an East Campus planning study and a review of graduate student housing needs.
In response to the Faculty Task Force recommendations, former Chancellor and Department of Urban Studies and Planning Professor Phillip Clay led the Graduate Student Housing Working Group through a careful review of housing related topics, resulting in a recommendation for new accommodations for 500-600 graduate students. The East Campus/Kendall Gateway urban design study, led by a multi-disciplinary steering committee of faculty, students, and staff, worked with consultants through an intensive exploration of various schemes for the East Campus area, and benefitted from input collected through a series of community forums. Finally, with the leadership of the School of Architecture and Planning, a working group composed of faculty and staff has worked to refine the concepts explored through the East Campus/Kendall Gateway urban design study.
Current Thinking
This illustrative drawing (link to PDF) conveys an exciting proposed parcel assembly and a potential approach for the creation of connected public open spaces within the development area. As recommended from every quarter, the parcel plan includes space for academic, commercial, and retail uses, as well as housing for graduate students — all contributing to the creation of a diverse and vibrant gateway area. It also envisions underground parking and ensures vehicular access to MIT Medical.
The gateway is framed by spaces for the MIT Museum, an Innovation Space, and a graduate student residence building. This scheme proposes to replace Eastgate with a lab building, but to add graduate housing in a new location at the gateway, along with a new child care facility. We anticipate that the new housing will not only replace the Eastgate housing but add more capacity. The exact amount would be determined in the design process. We would build the new housing first, before repurposing the Eastgate site. As previously communicated, we will also be looking at the West end of campus for additional housing opportunities.
Next Steps
MIT has issued Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for design teams to create building concepts that we will bring through the City’s review process. Our hope is to begin that process in the fall. There will be ample opportunity for continued information sharing and conversation through community meetings and public hearings.
I would be remiss if I didn’t remark on the impressive caliber and breadth of engagement on this topic. I am grateful to the many stakeholders who have brought leadership and vision to this important community dialogue. The upshot is that we have great confidence in our path ahead and know that the future of the Kendall Square/East Campus area is vibrant and brimming with possibility.
Marty Schmidt
Fall 2013
East Campus/Kendall gateway study begins
In the fall of 2013, MIT commissioned an urban design study and assembled a team led by Mack Scogin Merrill Elam Architects and Michael Van Valkenburgh Landscape Architects. The team used the analysis developed by Elkus|Manfredi Architects and the City of Cambridge during the rezoning effort and the work of the School of Architecture and Planning faculty design group in addition to input from the community as a foundation for developing its concepts. After hosting a series of forums to gather MIT and Cambridge community ideas, the design team submitted their final report in March 2014.
Summer 2013
Kendall Square initiative moves toward design phase
Following the Cambridge rezoning decision in April 2013 and in response to the recommendations of the Task Force on Community Engagement, Adèle Santos, then dean of the School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P), led a faculty design group through an informal exploration of design typologies for a Kendall Square initiative. Building on the work of the three-year community process, the group focused primarily on developing additional design goals and planning principles that should be achieved in future urban-design proposals.
April 2013
City of Cambridge approves MIT’s zoning petition
On April 8, 2013, the City of Cambridge approved MIT’s petition to transform 26 acres of Institute-owned property in the Kendall Square/east campus area in order to bring new vibrancy to the Kendall Square Innovation District. The new zoning preserved existing academic development potential and enabled the creation of new housing, retail, lab, and commercial space, as well as more engaging open space and wayfinding.
The full text of the new zoning language and MIT’s letter of commitment:
- New zoning language
- MIT Letter of Commitment to City of Cambridge (April 8, 2013)
About the Cambridge zoning process:
- City of Cambridge Zoning and Development Overview
- City of Cambridge Kendall Square/Central Square Urban Planning Process (final report December 2013)
October 2012
The Faculty Task Force on Community Engagement in 2030 Planning, appointed by then-Provost Chris Kaiser, released a report recommending that a comprehensive urban design plan for the east campus be completed if and when MIT received zoning approval for this area from the City of Cambridge.
- The report supported MIT’s plan to file rezoning petition and offered recommendations for moving forward (article)
- Report of the Task Force on Community Engagement in 2030 Planning on Development of MIT-Owned Property in Kendall Square (October 12, 2012) (PDF)
April 2011
Prellwitz Chilinksi Associates: “Kendall Square in Process” report
MIT worked with David Manfredi of the Boston architectural firm Elkus|Manfredi Architects for over a year to help create initial development concepts for Kendall Square. In addition, the Institute commissioned David Chilinski of the Cambridge architectural firm Prellwitz Chilinksi Associates to explore how MIT and other property owners might fulfill the promise of Kendall Square through redevelopment and placemaking. Building on this discovery process, Prellwitz Chilinksi Associates issued a report titled “Kendall Square in Process,” showing how ground floor retail and entertainment, urban plazas, wayfinding, and lighting and transit patterns could be integrated into the business and academic environment in a way that meets the needs of local residents, employees, and MIT students, faculty, and staff.
MIT initiated work with Elkus|Manfredi Architects to create a conceptual approach to development in the east campus. Over the next three years, the Institute engaged in a community-wide effort to align the interests of a broad group of stakeholders around a future vision for the area.