
Tue, 04/26/2016

“Dammit, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a physicist!” The cry by Leonard “Bones” McCoy of the original "Star Trek" television series became code for “that’s not in my job description.” A prognosticator of many future technologies and social issues, the show’s portrayal of professional roles remained...

Mon, 04/04/2016

Below is the text of a letter sent Friday by MIT President L. Rafael Reif to the chairmen of three congressional committees in response to a request of the 56 U.S. colleges and universities with endowments of more than $1 billion. (Read the full explanation of MIT's endowment here.)...

Wed, 03/23/2016

The eighth annual Kendall Square Association (KSA) meeting took a reflective tone this year, showcasing how academic and industry collaborations have transformed MIT’s abutting district, Kendall Square, from an industrial wasteland into an innovation hub — and how future collaborations will...

Mon, 03/07/2016

MIT Professional Education has announced a new Professional Certificate in Innovation and Technology. The certificate will offer insights from leading minds at MIT on different approaches to innovation.

This new credential is designed for working professionals across a wide variety of...

Thu, 01/07/2016

In response to a broad range of questions and suggestions raised at the Institute’s Sept. 8, 2015, City of Cambridge Planning Board hearing, MIT returned to the board on Jan. 5 to provide an updated presentation for its proposed Kendall Square Initiative.

In its presentation, MIT...

Fri, 10/09/2015

In the MIT Media Lab on Thursday afternoon, a crowd gathered around PhD student Sang Won Leigh, who controlled a “writing” drone remotely with an inkless pen. Whatever lines Leigh (and excited volunteers) traced on a desk, the quadrocopter would duplicate with an attached black marker on a...

Wed, 09/09/2015

Two and a half years after the Cambridge City Council approved new zoning for MIT’s properties in the East Campus/Kendall Square area, the Institute has formally advanced its Kendall Square Initiative development proposal to the Cambridge Planning Board.

At a four-hour hearing last night...

Tue, 07/28/2015

Following recent community meetings to provide the campus and broader Cambridge communities with an update on MIT’s Kendall Square Initiative, the Institute has triggered the next phase of the review process by filing its Project Review and Planned Unit Development special permit applications...

Tue, 05/19/2015

Philips has announced an alliance with MIT, for an initial term of five years and $25 million, that will ultimately support MIT research in the company’s core areas of health care and lighting solutions technology, which will be conducted in collaboration with Philips Research.

The new...

Thu, 05/07/2015

Kendall Square in the 1970s was a mass of old factories, abandoned buildings, vacant lots, and chain-link fences, says Institute Professor Phillip Sharp, “and if you were wise, you didn’t walk around by yourself at 10 o’clock at night.”

But now this East Cambridge neighborhood is an...
